The last week

Well, it is the end of my ninth week on IV antibiotics. I started a new treatment on Wednesday (low dose immune therapy) and I had a horrible reaction to it. I herxed so horribly today (it takes a couple days for you to feel it) that I just couldn’t get any control..I felt so strange and weird and I though for sure that I was going to die. It started at 640am this morning and I was still herxing when I left my doctors office at 2pm. Thankfully there is a reversal for the therapy and it happens to be antihistamines..I couldn’t walk fast because I felt so out of breath so I walked slowly to the pharmacy with my dad and quickly popped an antihistamine. Within about three hours I started to feel heart is still racing but I am actually feeling a little better. I had plans to go and get fresh bacon today but that didn’t happen!! Herxing always gets in the way…maybe not so much now as it did before but I have had a lousy four weeks and I am anxious about the trip back to Edmonton..can I handle being in a car that long? I have no idea..I sincerely hope so because I am not flying! I am waiting for my heart rate to drop as it has been racing for a few hours now and I find that a little scary since my heart rate was really really high in April when I got hit with the worst of the little Lymies..about 145 resting..ridiculous..It is slightly over 100 right now and hasnt dropped by much. I have stepped up the detoxification this week with some activated charcoal and some chlorella to help my body get rid of all of the dead stuff that is sitting around in my system (I am sure this will make me feel a lot better too) and that my liver is unable to push seems to be struggling with the amount of die-off that I have had from the last few weeks of meds and I have added lots of lemon water and epsom salt baths to help my body get rid of all of the sludge. I am still optimistic that I will be well enough to return to Edmonton (uggh..right in time for winter) on September 28 as I miss everyone dearly and think that being around “my” people will help me in fighting and pull me out of the dark world of being depressed (as is so common with Lyme Disease).

Today I could really use a lot of hugs and people telling me that it is going to be ok. If I could have hugs I would feel so much better. I am sure tomorrow will be a much better day as I recover from my fun time with LDI..I am never doing that again!


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